Effective Social Media Marketing

Getting the Right Message in front of the Right Audience with our Social Media Marketing Services.

Social media marketing services in Kenya

We build long-term relationships between people and brands through social interactions.

An organic social media presence is an important part of a brand's marketing. That's why an organic strategy based on data is crucial. Managing your social media accounts can be a time-consuming task, but, you're in luck! It's safe to say that our team is social media-obsessed. We love nothing more than generating engaging content, interacting with audiences and analyzing data.

Boost Your Audience Engagement on Social Media

Turn each social account into a lead generator.
Most businesses online miss the actual value that social media brings to the table. It can be both a lead generator and a great engagement strategy to increase brand awareness. Our social media marketing campaigns are built with lead generation and retention in mind to ensure that your audience is tuned into your message and is constantly engaging with a brand that offers them additional value and interest beyond the initial point of connection.

Easy & Structured Social Engagements

Our social media tools handle conversations efficiently.
It’s one thing to be able to generate engagement; being able to take full advantage of it is a whole other challenge. While causing large numbers of engaging conversations and interactions online can lead to great opportunities, failure to follow up on them can be damaging. Our team utilizes unique social media tools to bring all of your brand’s conversations and engagements into one place. Each meeting is handled quickly, and each opportunity for a sale is communicated to ensure no chance falls to the wayside.


Identify Objectives

Get clear on what you want to accomplish and we’ll build out a strategy from there.

Social Media Audit

Establish a starting point to map out the most effective route to achieving your social media marketing goals.


Let our experts take over social media management to provide consistent marketing and messaging across platforms.

Market Analysis

Develop a thorough understanding of the market and how you currently stack up against the competition.
Content Terms Customer Service Metrics Audience Metrics Advertising Terms

Social media platforms are designed to grab and hold user attention. They want constant turnover of clever, thought-provoking, and viral content. Content generation is the most important factor in winning social media marketing strategies and there is a reason successful businesses dedicate teams to that task.The ultimate content strategy is long-term engagement in your social media spaces where you can slowly tell your brand story to the communities. Users don't want outsiders constantly advertising products and/or services to them. They're more receptive to brands they trust.

Our social media marketing strategies prioritize leveraging the distinct cultures on these platforms for building strong brand-follower relationships. That strong groundwork can later be capitalized on using clever sales funnels. We can help you create a social media strategy where the distinct touch points come together to create a consistent brand message

Social media is the new customer service desk. On these platforms, brand consumers air their grievances and praises in front of the entire world. Many businesses have boomed or busted based on viral moments of great or poor responses to complaints.The default speed on social media platforms is 'immediately'. As a successful business, your average reply time and response rate for customers who have questions, complaints, or compliments need to be within minutes.

Our go-to strategy for optimizing customer service is 'redirection'. If you don't have the resources to address a customer query promptly, send a generic response that both acknowledges and redirects them to your direct messaging space. Our team can help you with more ways to measure and improve your customer relationship performance.

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